Saturday, October 11, 2014

"Some Say" ((freestyle))

Some say
Subsequently, what eye right is a gift 
Rapped wit a spawn curse
Killin' tracks wit a verse
"Ride Along" like Kevin Hart wit no heart
Body n demeanor cold like Ice Cube 
In a hearse 
What's put out, manifest into da universe
Converging on da population, explosive! like a uni-bomb
No gypsies can read my palm
Cats try, but don't attempt to eye my mind
I'm da definition of a sulky sultry stem
On a vine
Ink dip in
Blood Diamond, sins of mankind
Mountaintop rage!, grace pages wit my words n watch da landslide

In hindsight
Ra Shine's rhythm beams thru like sunlight
No Shade
Rays raining down off da point of my poetic blade
Dark forces wanna dead my life!
Smoked a little herb but never hit no pipe
Niggaz think I'm crazy when they view da scrolls dat I type
Fuck em'!
Soul a window most can't stomach with no lining
Can't keep nothin' down
Throwin' up stomach acid, burnt tablets burning ya throat lining

Health declining 

Bullets fly, families crying
Wrong time, wrong place
Some might say it's just bad timing

But it's a massive problem, one we all have in common
It's never easy buddy when you at da freakin' bottom
I hear da screams of like a million woman victims, when dat 1st thrust rips their hymen
Contemplated suicide like Phyllis Hyman
For some
It's a difference between da world you see n da one dat I'm in

Some say, I'm a pessimist but I'm just a realist wit perverse feelings, dat no doctor on earth would operate cause of internal extensive damage it would complicate wit no signs of ever healin'

Wounds permanent, no nurse for dat!
Some will say time heals it all, but while you in da thick fog where da cloud is black
You don't wanna hear dat crap
Ain't no comfort or no solace in dat smack
Physical, emotional, verbal assault
It's funny how what we was taught, not even followed sometimes by da one's before us given it off 

Eye know most have written me off
Already got me out da league like Randy Moss
What resides in me won't never sell for any cost
Some say
Walk away
Let it Go!
Yet n still   
Vultures circle round my head like an angel's halo
My demons want me to give in, I tell em' Hell No!
Datz an epic fail bro
Had cars, had doe, had hoes
But in da end, no fulfillment n dat shit never last yo!
Even had a chick who eye thought had my back, but she crept out da back door
Seen da fakes disperse when dat cash low
Ain't no loyalty!
But some will say "Family Matters" like a Winslow
It's more irony then truth in dat tho

And as da wind blow n da world turn
Eye have to reaffirm myself ain't no love, literally and in legal terms
Peace out!, I get up
Gone like court proceedings datz adjourned
Play wit fire homie, you gon' get burned
Datz what some say
Strike smart but quick!
Clear da whole plate
De beisbol diamante  
Revenge is a dish best served cold wit no entrĂ©e
Erupting at da right Peek like Dante's
Clearing my thoughts
Speedin' down I-95 on da highway

"Some Say" ((freestyle)) by Ra Shine McKoy