God has been his refuge for some time now
But he realized that NO ONE can help him with what he's going through and probably NEVER WILL
He figures he'll just deal
With what he has to deal with
On his own as usual
Sometimes he does see this being played out like some musical
Visual distortions played out in biblical proportions
Sometimes he really does wish da Lord wouldn't have stopped his abortment
He's sick inside!, very nauseous!
Nothing can cure his ailment
Cause what happened
Exactly as it was meant to be
He just never imagined his wife doing anything like that to he
And da stench of that lesson still lingers
Yeah!, It's a waste of time to point fingers
Don't EVER see himself getting past it
For his present is masked wit
Hurtful images of she n him
But he continues to K.I.M ((Keeps It Movin'))
And as he do, deez horrifying thoughts of she n him
Follow too!
Damn!, whats a brotha to do
He made love to her, but saw him in you
His most prized possession!
Tainted by a slithering serpent
As he watched from afar behind da curtain
Call da cops, it's about to get urgent!
He know she probably did unspeakable things wit another man
dat will never cum to da surface
She told he
Would never do anything to hurt him
Not on purpose
He doesn't believe her
He asked how could you do this?
I feel so worthless!
Your da mother of my kids, made to nurture
He said, his soul has a gaping hole
Chasing something dat can never be erased
Everyday he's face 2 face wit dat reality
And he can't handle da replays of dayz
When she was with him
Loving him like she did he
Arms n Legs wrapped around him like she did he
His wife in multiple positions only his eyez was supposed to see
She was his Queen like Latifah to he
But another got to sample da forbidden fruits of their U.N.I.T.Y
He always thought dat would be
But he see
That wasn't enough
To hold them 2gether to keep them in touch
He says to himself
Lord!, this is rough
Even Unbearable!
Everyday he wakes up
He prays
Goes to work
Comes home
Works out
And still feels terrible!
To him!, it don't matter if he speaks to her or sees you
But EVERY TIME he do
He thinks of da love he has 4 you
And da tearz start to fall
He feels like he got mauled
Like someone took his earth
Ravaged, raped, n pillaged his village
Deez are his emotions
But she keeps her's along with secrets hidden
in her heart as big as an ocean
He express's his devotion!
As honestly as he can open
But he know it won't do no good tho!
Nothin' she can say! n don't know what to say?
He know!
He finally said, I'll end n go
I won't bother you no mo
But God saw this in my heart, for me to share with you
He knows her story has different angles dat are
And his feelings may mean nothing to her or you
He says to her, you have a lot to deal wit as I do
But my pain is REAL!
Eye don't think from this I can heal
Her actions supplied da supplement of brutal truth
He guess's he just has to swallow dat pill
He feels satan on his heels
He says Lord!, forgive me for my sins as eye begin to kneel
You said, what YOU have joined 2gether
"Let no man/woman put asunder"
But he wonders!
If thy neighbor heard his cries among da lies
As his world shifted as his wife was deceived
He sees backboards bleed n beds making thunderous noises
Concealed wit names dat sounded nothin' like his voice's
Limbs hoisted!
God gave them free will
It ALL starts wit choice's
Now his soul is hollow n vacant
And his spirit is on vacation
Heart took a leave of absence
For someone to fill dat void
Saying to he, to save me from me!
From da somber n reclusive painful imagery
Of our innocence n trust dat is no longer a mainstay in our symmetry
"He, She, & Him" By Ra Shine McKoy

He figures he'll just deal
With what he has to deal with
On his own as usual
Sometimes he does see this being played out like some musical
Visual distortions played out in biblical proportions
Sometimes he really does wish da Lord wouldn't have stopped his abortment
He's sick inside!, very nauseous!
Nothing can cure his ailment
Cause what happened
Exactly as it was meant to be
He just never imagined his wife doing anything like that to he
And da stench of that lesson still lingers
Yeah!, It's a waste of time to point fingers
Don't EVER see himself getting past it
For his present is masked wit
Hurtful images of she n him
But he continues to K.I.M ((Keeps It Movin'))
And as he do, deez horrifying thoughts of she n him
Follow too!
Damn!, whats a brotha to do
He made love to her, but saw him in you
His most prized possession!
Tainted by a slithering serpent
As he watched from afar behind da curtain
Call da cops, it's about to get urgent!
He know she probably did unspeakable things wit another man
dat will never cum to da surface
She told he
Would never do anything to hurt him
Not on purpose
He doesn't believe her
He asked how could you do this?
I feel so worthless!
Your da mother of my kids, made to nurture
He said, his soul has a gaping hole
Chasing something dat can never be erased
Everyday he's face 2 face wit dat reality
And he can't handle da replays of dayz
When she was with him
Loving him like she did he
Arms n Legs wrapped around him like she did he
His wife in multiple positions only his eyez was supposed to see
She was his Queen like Latifah to he
But another got to sample da forbidden fruits of their U.N.I.T.Y
He always thought dat would be
But he see
That wasn't enough
To hold them 2gether to keep them in touch
He says to himself
Lord!, this is rough
Even Unbearable!
Everyday he wakes up
He prays
Goes to work
Comes home
Works out
And still feels terrible!
To him!, it don't matter if he speaks to her or sees you
But EVERY TIME he do
He thinks of da love he has 4 you
And da tearz start to fall
He feels like he got mauled
Like someone took his earth
Ravaged, raped, n pillaged his village
Deez are his emotions
But she keeps her's along with secrets hidden
in her heart as big as an ocean
He express's his devotion!
As honestly as he can open
But he know it won't do no good tho!
Nothin' she can say! n don't know what to say?
He know!
He finally said, I'll end n go
I won't bother you no mo
But God saw this in my heart, for me to share with you
He knows her story has different angles dat are
And his feelings may mean nothing to her or you
He says to her, you have a lot to deal wit as I do
But my pain is REAL!
Eye don't think from this I can heal
Her actions supplied da supplement of brutal truth
He guess's he just has to swallow dat pill
He feels satan on his heels
He says Lord!, forgive me for my sins as eye begin to kneel
You said, what YOU have joined 2gether
"Let no man/woman put asunder"
But he wonders!
If thy neighbor heard his cries among da lies
As his world shifted as his wife was deceived
He sees backboards bleed n beds making thunderous noises
Concealed wit names dat sounded nothin' like his voice's
Limbs hoisted!
God gave them free will
It ALL starts wit choice's
Now his soul is hollow n vacant
And his spirit is on vacation
Heart took a leave of absence
For someone to fill dat void
Saying to he, to save me from me!
From da somber n reclusive painful imagery
Of our innocence n trust dat is no longer a mainstay in our symmetry
"He, She, & Him" By Ra Shine McKoy
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