Sunday, August 3, 2014

"Trust & Love"

Sometimes things happen for unexplained reasons
And most times people come into your life for a short season
To give clarity in the disparities of the things they see in us that we cannot
But as long as there is trust n love
Our Father from above

Can handle any task
We are His children
Our faith seals our union
Eye just want to reiterate how special you are
As lovely as this rose
You are the queen next to me on the throne

We are meant to share in God's beauty, rather than alone
Without thee other, a house is not a home!
I seal a kiss inside this poem
I hope YOU catch it!

Mirrored with nothing but love back in the reflection
Trust & true love is the message
God's love shines in us, and that's a real blessing!
As are His words
Eye "Cherish the Day" like Sade
That we may

Continue to grow and give God the glory
One day save a life, as we have our own just from our story
You are the one
You are the rain
You are the sun
Your are the earth that keeps the preservation stable

WE motivate each other to keep our assurance's strong on the table
Without judgement n labels
We are still here
And without fear!
Eye will still continue to trust n love my dear

"Trust & Love" By Ra Shine McKoy

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